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  • 09:42, 22 June 2024VIVA! (Lyrics) (hist | edit) ‎[3,875 bytes]ErreFan (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{BzLyrics | JapaneseTitle = | EnglishTitle = | Music = Koshi Inaba | Lyrics = Koshi Inaba | Year = 2024 | Translation = ErreFan | sample = | notes = | singles = | albums = link=Tadamono|border|90px | collections = | romajilyrics = <div style="text-align: right; border: 7px dotted white;"><poem> Rekoodo ni hari wo otoshi Yuruku odorou ka Hi ga shizumu mae demo it's alright Kimi no...")
  • 09:24, 22 June 2024Black Hole (Lyrics) (hist | edit) ‎[3,044 bytes]ErreFan (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{BzLyrics | JapaneseTitle = ブラックホール | EnglishTitle = Blackhole | Music = Koshi Inaba | Lyrics = Koshi Inaba | Year = 2024 | Translation = ErreFan | sample = | notes = | singles = | albums = link=Tadamono|border|90px | collections = | romajilyrics = <div style="text-align: right; border: 7px dotted white;"><poem> Kurayami wo mitsumeta Ana ga aku hodo Kore to wa chiga...")
  • 20:40, 21 June 2024Kibun wa I am All Yours (Lyrics) (hist | edit) ‎[3,709 bytes]ErreFan (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{BzLyrics | JapaneseTitle = 気分はI am All Yours | EnglishTitle = The mood is I am All Yours | Music = Koshi Inaba | Lyrics = Koshi Inaba | Year = 2024 | Translation = ErreFan | sample = | notes = | singles = | albums = link=Tadamono|border|90px | collections = | romajilyrics = <div style="text-align: right; border: 7px dotted white;"><poem> Kanpeki na baion de warau Denwa no m...")
  • 20:25, 21 June 2024Chateau Blanc (Lyrics) (hist | edit) ‎[3,097 bytes]ErreFan (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{BzLyrics | JapaneseTitle = | EnglishTitle = | Music = Koshi Inaba | Lyrics = Koshi Inaba | Year = 2024 | Translation = ErreFan | sample = | notes = | singles = | albums = link=Tadamono|border|90px | collections = | romajilyrics = <div style="text-align: right; border: 7px dotted white;"><poem> Kicchin de machiawase you Gacchiri kagi kakeyou Asa toka hiru toka yoru toka nakusou Y...")
  • 09:34, 21 June 2024Waga tamashii no rashin (Lyrics) (hist | edit) ‎[3,666 bytes]ErreFan (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{BzLyrics | JapaneseTitle = 我が魂の羅針 | EnglishTitle = The compass of my soul | Music = Koshi Inaba | Lyrics = Koshi Inaba | Year = 2024 | Translation = ErreFan | sample = | notes = | singles = | albums = link=Tadamono|border|90px | collections = | romajilyrics = <div style="text-align: right; border: 7px dotted white;"><poem> Watashi wo wasurenaide Sore ga tada hitotsu n...")
  • 21:13, 20 June 2024cocoa (Lyrics) (hist | edit) ‎[4,020 bytes]ErreFan (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{BzLyrics | JapaneseTitle = | EnglishTitle = | Music = Koshi Inaba | Lyrics = Koshi Inaba | Year = 2024 | Translation = ErreFan | sample = | notes = | singles = | albums = link=Tadamono|border|90px | collections = | romajilyrics = <div style="text-align: right; border: 7px dotted white;"><poem> わかんないことだらけ みんなウソつくから でもその気持ちはわ...")
  • 04:48, 18 June 2024Sorayume (Lyrics) (hist | edit) ‎[4,285 bytes]ErreFan (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{BzLyrics | JapaneseTitle = 空夢 | EnglishTitle = Made up dream | Music = Koshi Inaba | Lyrics = Koshi Inaba | Year = 2024 | Translation = ErreFan | sample = | notes = | singles = | albums = link=Tadamono|border|90px | collections = | romajilyrics = <div style="text-align: right; border: 7px dotted white;"><poem> Yume wo mita Takai gake kara tobiori Kaze no naka sora wo mau Hito...")
  • 03:13, 18 June 2024Starchaser (Lyrics) (hist | edit) ‎[4,487 bytes]ErreFan (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{BzLyrics | JapaneseTitle = | EnglishTitle = | Music = Koshi Inaba | Lyrics = Koshi Inaba | Year = 2024 | Translation = ErreFan | sample = | notes = | singles = | albums = link=Tadamono|border|90px | collections = | romajilyrics = <div style="text-align: right; border: 7px dotted white;"><poem> Usui yami ni kirameku Kazoekirenu hikari no tsubu Nanka kusuguru Sore wa moetsukiteshi...")
  • 02:42, 18 June 2024NOW (Lyrics) (hist | edit) ‎[3,542 bytes]ErreFan (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{BzLyrics | JapaneseTitle = | EnglishTitle = | Music = Koshi Inaba | Lyrics = Koshi Inaba | Year = 2024 | Translation = ErreFan | sample = | notes = | singles = | albums = link=Tadamono|border|90px | collections = | romajilyrics = <div style="text-align: right; border: 7px dotted white;"><poem> Mezamereba sore wa Mou modoranai itoshii shunkan Yakeru Daylight amai Twilight Ikutsu...")